
Books of 2015

Cocaine Blues - Kerry Greenwood
Flying Too High - Kerry Greenwood
Murder on the Ballarat Train - Kerry Greenwood
Death at Victoria Dock - Kerry Greenwood
The Green Mill Murder - Kerry Greenwood
Blood and Circuses - Kerry Greenwood
Ruddy Gore - Kerry Greenwood
Urn Burial - Kerry Greenwood
Raisins and Almonds - Kerry Greenwood
Death Before Wicket - Kerry Greenwood
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman
Camera Lucida - Roland Barthes
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Karl Marx
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl
Just Freedom - Philip Pettit
Only Words - Catherine MacKinnon
Stiff - Mary Roach
born confused - Tanuja Desai Hidier
Howl’s Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
The Blue Castle - L.M. Montgomery
The Third Man - Graham Greene
The World Beyond Your Head - Matthew Crawford
The Beloved Community - Charles Marsh
Wind, Sand, & Stars - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman
Manalive - G. K. Chesterton
The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
The Rings of Saturn - W. G. Sebald
Over Sea, Under Stone - Susan Cooper
The Dark Is Rising - Susan Cooper
Greenwitch - Susan Cooper
The Grey King - Susan Cooper
Silver on the Tree - Susan Cooper
Our Only World - Wendell Berry
The Book of Three - Lloyd Alexander
The Black Cauldron - Lloyd Alexander
A Wise Man’s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
On the Natural History of Destruction - W. G. Sebald
The Last Days - Charles Marsh
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking - Susan Cain
My Antonia - Willa Cather

I would take the time to say a word about some of my favorites from the list (which is, I admit, a bit mixed on quality), but as I ought to be packing right now and not posting on my blog, I have simply picked out my top five (in no particular order) in bold.


Hour 17

At the way station
Where the trains stop
Where the buses go
Washington to Chicago
Albany to Chicago
Toledo to Detroit
Hell to Paradise
Tracing arcs and pinches
On a Midwest map--
Near the bird shit
On the vinyl bench
I sit
Knitting the minutes
In my fluorescent-lit
Stockinette stitch
[*knit 1 row; purl 1 row; 
Repeat from asterisk
Ad infinitum
Until Hell freezes over]
(Where Hell =
This flat, flat land
Running down, 
If you could see it,
To receding lakes)
Ah! There is hope then!
I see the frost.
[*knit 1 row; purl 1 row;
Repeat from asterisk]
Where the buses go
Where the trains stop
At the way station.